Monday, September 11, 2006

Recent Readings

FROM A&L Daily: Martin Amis on the rise of Islamic fanaticism, and Christopher Hitchens on what next from WSJ.

From McSweeney's, a reprint of John Hodgman's remarks shortly after the events of five years ago.


scruffylooking said...

I didn't write about 9/11 because I couldn't do it justice. I'm glad you put up some interesting links.

I'm sorry to keep directing you to Creekside Review, but he had an interesting post about it and he showed the response from the Daily Show as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip I checked it out...I might have to add him as link on the side. I liked that he had Hornby, whom I mentioned but left off list.

scruffylooking said...

Yeah, you should. I really like his blog. He does a lot of different stuff, but all of it is interesting and well written.