Wednesday, September 03, 2008



I have not been in the mood to post much of late. That attitude combined with a lack of regular internet access and a proclivity to procrastinate is not good for regular posting. So I figured it was at least time for some more cat pictures. Lately they have been a bit surly as their rations have been cut per doctors orders.

The holiday weekend was relaxing. I spent a portion of it down towards Kalona at a cookout. It was fun evening of good food (smoked salmon) and good music (local singer Dave Moore) which turned into an early morning of good company (friends that live near the cookout). Sunday afternoon I drove home and saw some Mennonite (or Amish) girls wearing their tell-tale bandannas and roller blading past the cheese factory. There was a blood orange sun setting in my rear view. I wished I had brought my camera. This was the best August weather wise we have had in Iowa since I moved here nine years ago.


Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Anonymous said...

when will you go online?

Churlita said...

Hey Dex,

Getting many spam comments lately? I love your surly cat pics.

Kalona, huh? do I know the people having the cookout?

Unknown said...

There were some familiar family names....