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Local Woman Writes Novel
A Cedar Rapids woman released her first novel Monday evening. It's a story based loosely on her life. Christina McGriff spent a month and a half writing her first novel.Complete Story...
Record Food Stamp Numbers
An all-time record number of Iowans received food stamps in February. But the Iowa Department of Human Services is not concerned. In fact, the higher numbers are part of a plan and not a sign of economic distress.Complete Story...
Hawk Fans Celebrating Big 10 Champs
Gas Grills In Marion
Deadly Fire in Coralville
Deadly fire is buried as the fifth lead? To be fair the broadcast version at 8:00 am lead with an identity theft story. And if the poor woman's novel is only currently available online how about providing a link? Then again perhaps there was a reason for that.
You can't have lived here this long and still be amazed at how lame KCRG is.
This woman I work with has a crazy neighbor who paces up and down her street sporadically yelling, "Kill Bruce Aune!"
I guesss I never have really watched the news. Opting for Simpsons or a pint or both most of them. Local FOX is the worst though using the national 'canned' reports.
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