"The fine art of surfacing?" Email from The Walker led to cool photo from German film about food production.
I am heading off to Chandler, AZ to celebrate another birthday girl, Ju Che's daughter, who just turned 1 yesterday. I picked up a new cd on a whim for the road trip up, Lily Allen. Check out her Myspace page to hear the super catchy song Smile. Sort of like a British Gwen Stefani with a sense of humor and better music.
I meant to put this up a while ago. I ran across this through a friend (Doolittle) of a friend's website, We'll Know When We Get There. One of my goals was to be more web savvy this year and apart from watching this video I have done little about it. "But I am trying Ringo."
(There is a clue that last bit as to how Doolittle got her nickname from Smooch or Blaze. For about 2 months at UConn I thought that was her real last name. Smooch's nickname is self-explanatory and it rhymes with his last name.)
Anyway the video is interesting in the non-pejorative sense although a tad bit new-agey near the finale but I still thought that the three or four people that read this that don't already read the aforementioned blog would get something out of it or enjoy where it takes them. I added the link to my blog list which makes for a nice counter balance to El Duderino's reactionary-libertarian anti-Clintonian rants. I would say that Allison and her blog rate high on what one of my Poly/Sci profs used to call "political efficacy". I forgot what that means.