Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Goin Back to Cali

Caroline on her patio.

On this trip for work I hope to be able to get out to Newport Beach and visit with my grandmother pictured above. Two years ago I was in Arizona for work and I was able to drive out and spend a weekend and catch up with her as it had been a long time since I last visited her and my grandfather. In early 1996 he invited me out to see his beloved USC in the Rose Bowl against Northwestern. Lots of fun and as it turned out it would be the last opportunity I would have to spend time with him.

So I am looking forward to swapping stories about Opa with Caroline. Sadly, I think real estate prices are driving her out of Newport, as her condo is being turned into million dollar McMansions. Her immediate family is all close by and I hope she will find something half as nice as her current place in the same vicinity. I will have to dig up some photos of my late grandfather. He was a hoot. The most conservative Democrat I ever saw, except for Joe Lieberman.
Michael Chabon reading tonight, David Sedaris tomorrow and at some point I need to pack. Trying to finish up Heat before I leave. Taking Murakami's most recent short story collection on the plane as well as the latest John le Carré, The Mission Song which should get me through layovers etc...


Churlita said...

So, you might be readinged out by the time you leave. I'm jealous. I haven't been back to Arizona or CAli since 1988. I porbably wouldn't recognized either place.

See you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Your grammy looks cool - like a lady I'd like to meet.

My grammy looked like Yoda - but she was 104!

Anonymous said...

Phoenix has mushroomed incredibly since my first trip here in 1989. The traffic is abysmal at times. I got caught it in leaving the airport tonight.

MIss Do, Caroline is more cool than I can describe here. California chick from way back.