Monday, October 23, 2006

We now interrupt our irregularly scheduled program to bring you this message...

He just likes helicopters I suppose.

I just made it back to Phoenix after thirty two hours and just over a thousand miles to San Diego/Newport Beach and back with my army buddy, Juche Child. Later I will reconstruct a map of our journey with details. We have both seen enough of the freeway between San Diego and L.A. to last several life times.


Churlita said...

Maybe he thinks it's a very large bird. And just so you know, the windchill was 17 degrees when I woke up yesterday. You suck, Mr Arizona.

El Duderino said...

I find that when traveling in the desert it helps to have an Ennio Morricone cd playing non stop, it helps to pass the time and it may cause a psychotic episode which will take your mind off the tedium of the trip for sure.

Anonymous said...



ps ipod works nice :D

Unknown said...

Um, it did rain here yesterday...

Churlita said...

You can shut-up now.